Newborn sleep advice

Jesse • 5-15-13 👦🏻 10-20-16 👶🏼 July 2017 👼🏻👼🏻 7-8-19🌈 👶🏼 boy mama 💙💙💙

Anyone have recommendations or advice on how to not only get your baby to sleep in the bassinet, but to stay asleep longer than 5 minutes at a time? My little guy loves to sleep on my chest, but that’s not going to fly. Definitely not a way to sleep and I don’t think it’s very safe. Plus, this little guy likes to be swaddled, so he NEEDS to be on his back. I’m not expecting him to sleep some crazy stretches right now, but I’d like to see him be able to sleep in his bassinet for 1-2 hour stretches.