Breast milk

I need to vent before I explode. So my in laws have always made little comments about my breastmilk to my baby just trying to joke around but it’s really bothering me. They say things like “Soon you can have real food and don’t have to drink that yucky milk” or “It’s so boring eating the same thing everyday” and “Soon we will feed you potatoes so your tummy will be full”. I get so angry but bite my tongue. He is getting full on breastmilk just fine and gaining weight really well, I’m not starving my child thank you very much. And he loves my milk and it’s often the only thing that calms him when he’s upset. I can’t take these comments anymore. I don’t know if it’s because my MIL couldn’t breastfeed so they feel the need to make little jabbing comments but it really upsets me.