Working Moms have it hard too...

I always see these posts about how hard SAHMs have it. And how much they need to be appreciated. I agree - I bet staying home all day with your kids is really hard. Having minimal adult conversation and constantly needing to entertain your kids, but at the same time, working moms have it really hard too.

SAHMs always emphasize on how staying home isnt all sunshine and rainbows, because they are constantly doing laundry, cooking, cleaning, doing dishes, getting groceries etc.

But its like, working mom have to do ALL that stuff to but the difference is we only have the evenings to get it done, and we also have to somehow manage to do that but also spend some quality time with our children.

Sorry - I might just been a little envious. I would love to be a SAHM and be able to raise my kids and spend all the time with them, but finacially its not possible. So I guess I'm a little salty that so many SAHMs complain so much about how hard they have it, whereas, I wish I had their problems. I wish I could be with my kids all the time - actually had the day to clean and stuff.

UPDATE: And for all the people getting offended. Calm your tits. I literally said I agree and acknowledge that SAHMs have it hard, and Im not comparing. The only thing that irritates me is when SAHMs act like they deserve a reward for keeping up with house chores while watching kids. And it only irritates me because working mom also have to keep up with house chores while watching kids, but we only have a couple hours in a day to do it.