Flat Head... thoughts on the helmet?


Our little guy has moderate flat head- we saw a specialist today and we have 1 month to see if his head will round out by 5 mm. If not, he’ll need the helmet if we want to fix it. He is 6 months old and just started rolling back to front about 3 weeks ago. He also loves to sit by himself and he also enjoys tummy time so he’s not on his back a whole lot anymore (he also sleeps on his side now, about 50-60% of the time). We have noticed some improvement just over the last few weeks so I’m hopeful it will continue to round out on its own. I have a bad feeling it won’t round out enough though. Do any of you have experience with the helmet? I worry because he’s already a terrible sleeper and is just growing out of colic so I can’t imagine this helmet will help his sleep or fussiness!