Chances of Labor? ...crazy day

Cassie • Mommy to Miss Kingslei Michelle - 2.💗 Mister Titan Cody - 6 months, 5 adjusted 💙 and Miss Story Cohl - 6 months, 5 adjusted. 💗 FOLLOW THE LIL BABES ON IG: @my3little.Loves

So I went in for a growth scan. I’m 33 weeks today. Baby A dropped from the 33rd percentile two weeks ago to the 10th percentile today.

They did a Doppler for blood flow and that looked okay but they sent me to L&D for an NST. NST also looked okay.

However I lost my mucus plug on Sunday and so the doctor checked me and I’m 60% effaced and just over 2cm dilated.

So now they’re keeping me here for observation and they gave me the steroids for lung development. ...Am I going to be having these babies??? 😱