Pregnancy symptoms


I know when I was in my TWW I searched and searched to spot symptoms and hear others stories! I just wanted to put this out there for anyone who is like me and want to know exactly what someone else went through!

OPKs until positive


I started taking tests from 6 dpo on...all bfn

Started giving up hope this would be my cycle and thought af would come

I started getting right side cramps around 7/8 dpo (my only symptom before bfp)

Very light sore breasts (only when pressed) and 9dpo had one instance of tingling nipples while driving with the windows down

I also started getting those little clear cysts on the inside of your bottom lip and are still getting them every day

10 dpo one light bout of queasiness when thinking about leftover food- this is when I tested and got a light bfp! (I’ve been testing everyday and it has darkened)

Since my bfp, I have right side cramps, sore boobs, nausea (in the evening), tender abdomen, and bloat!

Attached is my BBT and bfp!

I hope this helps someone else!