Question for any 2nd(or more) time moms!!!

Kristina • Loving Mother. 2 year old baby girl. Baby boy due in March 2016. Happily taken since 9-2010!
This is my second pregnancy, I'm 15.4 weeks. And just yesterday my breasts started hurting really bad and they're rock hard like they're full of milk. I breast fed my first for 18ish months and my milk never fully went away. Like even days before I found out I was pregnant I was able to get milk out. I know this cause my daughter got pink eye and I was using it to treat her... So my question is could my milk(colostrum) be coming in this early this time around? Or is it normal for them to go from a D back to a G over night like they did, without milk? 
All I have to say is thank god I work from home and sports bras were invented!