Warning-long post! But please read!! I need someone to tell me I’m not stupid 🙂

Hello! I am new to Glow! And I am so excited to start this process! I have learned so much from your guys posts and pictures so thank you for that! So I have a bit of a long story that I’m DIEING to tell someone but I don’t want to because I’m afraid of the reaction I’d get so I’m going to post on here anonymously and hope I don’t get too many negative comments 🙂. So I am 32 and I have an 8 year old beautiful boy who is my world! My husband is 35. I met my DH 6 years ago and we have been happily married for 3 years. He was married before me and had 4 beautiful children from that marriage. We are a very close knit family- his kids call me mom and my son calls him dad. He is an amazing father/husband/ person all around and I’m so blessed to have him in my life. So here’s where it gets hairy-I want to have another baby but he had a vasectomy 12 years ago. He told me about it very early on and was very honest. It was a bad experience for him he was in a lot of pain, during the procedure, and would never want to go through that again. When he first told me about it I wasn’t worried about it at all I figured 5 kids! Holy moly! I’m totally fine with that! Well now that we are established and financially stable and so happy I want to have one of our own. I’ve been completely honest with him about it and he feels the same as me. Problem is is <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> is way too expensive for us. And he is mortified of getting a reversal done. Especially this long after, he afraid he’d go through all that pain again and it wouldn’t work. So he did some research and came to me and said let’s just try! A lot of people get pregnant after vasectomies! We even know a few! So we are gonna try! (Am I totally stupid?) I’m tracking my cycles. Taking my temp..checking my CM, everything! Please someone give me some positive vibes. We are gonna try for a year maybe a little more and if it doesn’t happen then we will just enjoy what we’ve got but I’m really hoping it happens!!