Selfish Partner.

It’s currently 2:33 am in where I am. Tried to initiate sex on my s/on and you know what this mother fucker does? After kissing him on the neck he goes and pleases himself and goes to bed. What the fuck.

I am so pissed beyond words. I’m currently 31 weeks pregnant and this isn’t the first time he’s done this. When he wants sex he’ll just get on top of me and start penetrating, doesn’t even fucking care if I’m turned on or not. Once he is tired he’ll hop off and jack off and pass out. How fucking inconsiderate. I don’t even remember the last time I came.

Talked to him about this several times and it just goes nowhere. This might be a deal breaker for me. I can’t be with some asshole who only cares to please himself. What a selfish piece of shit, I’m just so through.

He gives no oral, doesn’t even bother touching me, just shoves his dick in there whenever he wants and my dumbass lets him too. He doesn’t bother to return sexual favours.

EDIT: No our sex life was not like this before. It just recently started happening half way through my pregnancy.