Why is it so hard to tell people that I'm pregnant?

I'm excited. Also terrified. My fiance and I are both overjoyed. But I just can't stop dwelling on telling my parents. My stepmom will be ecstatic, my dad won't but he won't have much to say to me anyways. My stepdad probably won't give a damn, but will put his two cents into telling us how we can't afford it. My mom will be furious. For reasons I don't really understand. Other than financially. We will struggle. I know we will. But we will figure it out. Our little surprise didn't come at the best time, but I guess there's always going to be some reason for it to not be a "good time". Two years ago, she tried forcing me into getting an abortion (it ended in miscarriage). Mind you, I am almost 25 years old and living on my own. I love my mother more than anything, she is one of my best friends. I just wish that she could be more supportive instead of telling me what I've done wrong and how I "would look so much better if you'd just.." (insert comments about my hair being too short, how ugly my nose ring is, how the way I do my makeup "looks trashy", how my clothes are too baggy or too tight or "not for your body"). She always has to pick. Pick out the little things that no one else notices or cares about. I just want support from the one person that matters most to me and I can't get that.