34 weeks and struggling!


I'm ready to be done with this summer, the heat, my fat, heartburn, exhaustion.. all of it!

BUT I want this little babe to stay until 40 weeks. 😫 She is so LOW and I have this aching feeling shes coming early. I have some things I want to get done around the house before she makes her debut. I also have a 2 yo. and I want to cherish our time together before our lives get flipped!

I need a life pause button! I'm ready, but not ready... and these mommy hormones are making me so emotional! It also doesn't help that my Dr. is on an unexpected leave of absence and we don't know when he will return. I'm glad I'm low risk and this is my 2nd so I sort of know what to expect... but still I'm worried he won't be back in time.

Ok. Rant over. I just needed to vent!