Empty Gestational sac 😭


Hey All,

Ok so I’m freaking out as it’s my first pregnancy and since I got the + pee test I’ve been stressed.

I’m not sure what week I am bc my period ranges from 28-34 days. My last period was June 5 but I got positives on OPK from 6/22-25 but my BBT says I ovulated on 6/24. Question is what week would I be? Am I 6 weeks or 5 weeks? I think it will make a huge diff after you finish reading. Diff apps say diff things 😭

I went pretty happy to my GYN to get checked yesterday 7/17 but before that my doctor ordered HCG and it was at 3200 on 7/15. But I left stressed and confused bc he did a transvaginal ultrasound but couldn’t really see much then did the stomach ultrasound and said good news it’s not ectopic and there’s a gestational sac BUT it’s empty!!! He didn’t mention anything about yolk sac or anything so I figure it was just empty. Given that info I was pretty much devastated. He said get dressed and come talk.

Then I went to the bathroom and when I wiped it was blood, I wiped again and nothing. No pain or stains on my undies. I told him and he said may be a scratch or bubble popped from the ultrasound but it’s not dangerous. I have no cramps yesterday after that one incident no more blood, so hopefully nothing.

He said the gestational sac is empty and given a 3200 hcg should be able to see something. So there’s a 50/50 chance it’s a viable pregnancy and to come back in 2 weeks to check again. If by then there’s a baby and heartbeat there’s less of a chance of miscarriage. I’ve been researching on google and I’m freaking out! Anyone have any insights? Greatly appreciate it.

Im thinking of going to another GYN next week to get another Scan. What’s your thoughts? 🙏🏼o

UPDATE 07.23.2019

Just wanted to update all you ladies that helped me thru this! I went for an updated transvaginal ultrasound somewhere else today and the tech said everything looks good! I’m actually measuring behind, 5 weeks 6 days today! I thought I was 6 weeks or more today. And she even found a heartbeat too: 100bpm. She said it’s still very early and everything looks good so far. Going to go back to my OB next week to follow-up. Phew, I was freaking out, turned out I was super early during my first visit. Once again thank you all! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

Oh and she said no sex till 9 weeks lol! 😳😂