Failing marriage

Looking for advice or just words of encouragement. I’ve been with my husband for 4 years, and he has changed a lot, especially recently. I don’t feel like my needs are being met or that he’s trying to work on things like he says he is. I feel like I’ve been the one pushing and pushing to make things work and reconnect while he just falls back and doesn’t try. I’m starting to feel like giving up. The love I used to feel for him is fading fast. I’ve told him how I feel, he says we will work on things and he will try harder, but then he doesn’t. To my request of marriage counseling, he says he’ll think about it but makes no effort, I’m the one pushing it. Sometimes I think maybe my expectations are just too high, or maybe I’m just crazy. I’m not sure what to do at this point, we have a 6 month old, live 3,000 miles from all our family, and I have no source of income. I don’t want to leave but it seems like he doesn’t want to try.