Looking for accountability partner👯


Been ON and OFF this journey and trying to get back to it😍 I am not looking for X lbs weight loss or do any kinda diets.

I have always followed clean eating, mostly Indian home cooked food coupled with lots of veggies salads, lean meat. I don't track my macros. I don't want to over burden myself with anything that makes me anxious or become results driven. I will be following same mantra this time too, except that I would like to track my proteins for first couple of weeks coz I need to take at least 80gm of protein per day. Targeting to workout at least 4-5 times a week.

Above all #BeConsistent #NeverGiveUp

Just looking for someone with whom I can connect and probably be an accountable partner. Anyone in?

Sharing some of my pics below😍

Current pic - weight 196.6 lbs (stuck here since 3 months in spite of having terrible eating patterns n no exercise)

Pic from March 2018 - weighed around 170lbs