Fishy smell please help

So for a month now I’ve been having a fishy smell this happens every time my partner cums in me he doesn’t want to STOP, so i stopped having sex for awhile. Until my ph balance is back on track went to get tested everything negative. It’s not a FOUL smelly fishy but it’s like it’s there you gotta smell smell to smell it it comes out more once I’m wet to have sex it’s like my wetness is fishy, started 4 days ago taking azo cranberry pills, using summer <a href="">eve</a> today and fortify probiotics. What else can i do i just want it to be right

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Posted at
Like after sex you smell? Semen inside the vagina just doesn’t smell good in my experience 😂 I always shower after or at the very least wash my lady bits with a wash cloth or wet wipe.


aaliyah • Jul 19, 2019
Yes it likes throws my ph off alson


Posted at
Could be bv see a doctor


Posted at
DO NOT USE SUMMERS EVE! its known to cause infections and because of its strong smell it can throw your PH off balance. I would say, try the pullout method and find a more mild smelling intimate soap. Go to your OB/GYN, i had a fishy smell and it turned out to be cervicitis.


Posted at
I&#x27;d say it&#x27;s your partners seman . If your not trying for a little one I would have him do the pull out method and see if that helps..