UPDATE! Do you believe in signs?

Update: only one healthy baby that we see at the 8 week ultrasound.

Ok my husband is convinced we are having twins we hard our first ultrasound at 6 and they said it was to early to see baby. (I wasn’t worried I figured it might be to early) anyways so I had someone tell me they had a 6 week ultrasound and saw nothing then at 8 weeks they saw two healthy babies. Well the past week every where I look I see twins like it’s a sign or something. I put on a episode of guys grocery games yesterday I just picked a complete random episode lol and surprise it was a team challenge episode and one of the teams was twin sisters. Lately everything I see on Facebook has something to do with twins my husband was watching nascar race hub and the lady mentioned she have twin boys at home. LITERALLY like every where I look I see twins. I feel like my husband might be right. He even called this pregnancy. A few days after sex he kept telling me I was pregnant and I thought he was crazy a week and half later got a bfp at 9dpo. So I’m just wondering do you ladies believe in signs or am I just being crazy because I think the universe is trying to tell me it twins. My next ultrasound is next Thursday I will be 8 weeks exactly.

P.s twins do runs in my side of the family ( 3 sets of twins) I also have a 2 year old and a 7 month old so this is my 3rd pregnancy back to back.

(Sorry for any typos)