2 yrs marriage, husband doesn’t have feelings anymore..

It’s been 2 years since I got married and a lot has changed.. I moved to another country to live with him and it’s been really tough on me realising that being close to my family matters so much. I hadn’t lived far from them before to know that it’ll be such emptiness without them.

Two years into our marriage with many lows more than ups. Mentally, I am drained from how this marriage isn’t lifting me up as I thought it would. I sometimes fantasise about my life without him..

I travelled more, I felt lighter and more alive..

I take good care of myself, and him. He says he cares for me and loves me, but it’s more as a friend, brother or roommate type of love..

there’s no closeness between us.

Almost like he’s holding on so that he doesn’t lose me.

I really don’t know what to do. To give this all up and leave, isn’t my option because I want to keep trying and fight for this marriage. But sometimes it just feels.. so lonely..