I’m so confused

We both 23 been dating for 4 months officially almost 2 and I’ve notice that things have cooled down now if I if that’s because we are settled and he doesn’t have to try to impress me anymore as he has me! The kissing has reduced he use to touch me as making out in my girl parts but all that has faded a bit. We had a couple opportunities to have sex but it didn’t happen as maybe because we weren’t completely alone in the house he felt nervous or something I told him I’m ready for sex and he said yes were on the same page so I’m guessing he’s ready for it too. Hes not a sweet talker like call me beautiful and babe and all that he doesn’t flirt a lot tbh but I know he works 9 hr shifts 5 times a week and goes to school which can drain his energy. I’m wondering if my relationship is still good and normal as we do hug and he does hold my hand and all but the kissing has gone from French kissing to long pecks when we’re about to say goodbye. He’s met my friends my sister and mom I haven’t met his yet! He still texts me even though not all the time. I’m wondering if this is normal for a relationship as I’ve never been in one before and if there’s anything I can do to spark up the intimacy in bed I’ve tried asking if he wants to cuddle with me in bed and he’s come but we just mainly hug eachother! My friends tell me to asking if everything is ok as I’ve noticed the kissing and touching up has reduced lately. But I’m not sure if that’s a great idea as I do know communication is key but that could probably show him I’m needy and clingy. I’m also wondering when he’d say I love you to me I have t said it but I say I like him and he says it’s mutual and when I say I miss him he says aww when waiting for I miss you too! :( I don’t know if I’m overthinking all this but I wanna try to make him open up to me about how he feels about me by not asking directly and putting him on the spot! Anyone encountered this before ? I just want to know if my relationship is still on good path