....🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ just be a good mom, that's all.



I just need to come on here real quick and say a few things.

you are not a bad mom for letting your child watch some tv. your child will be fine! in fact, it's good for them.

you are not a bad mom because you give your child a pacifier. or because you give them baby food at 4 months.

stop letting society and mom shamers teach you how to be a parent.

find what works for you and your family.

your kid will be fine. 👍

I breastfeed, co sleep, baby wear, pacifier, let my baby watch some tv, give him baby food. and hes FINE. in fact, he is doing GREAT.

parenting is winging it, while being sleep deprived. 👍

just be a parent, dont listen to anyone else tell you what's wrong and what's right. you've got this.

thank you. now let the hate commence because I really dont care. I want to stand up for these new moms that feel they are being judged! it's sad, really.

309 views • 41 upvotes • 5 comments



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Posted at
You are right. My baby watches a few minutes of tv so I can feed her big brother sometimes. She is thriving. You do what you gotta do.


Posted at
Love this!!! My daughter showed interests in us eating, sits up supported perfectly in her high chair, opens her mouth and goes towards the spoon, I knew she was ready to start trying baby foods but am so ashamed to discuss it with other moms because I’d just rather avoid the confrontation! We don’t need to explain ourselves to anyone, especially other mothers. We know what is good for our child !!!!


Vanessa • Jul 21, 2019
my LO just turned 4 months and does things similar to yours. i just want the ok by his pedi before i start him on food and this reassured me!


As • Jul 20, 2019
♡ exactly. shouldnt have to explain ourselves.