....🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ just be a good mom, that's all.


I just need to come on here real quick and say a few things.

you are not a bad mom for letting your child watch some tv. your child will be fine! in fact, it's good for them.

you are not a bad mom because you give your child a pacifier. or because you give them baby food at 4 months.

stop letting society and mom shamers teach you how to be a parent.

find what works for you and your family.

your kid will be fine. 👍

I breastfeed, co sleep, baby wear, pacifier, let my baby watch some tv, give him baby food. and hes FINE. in fact, he is doing GREAT.

parenting is winging it, while being sleep deprived. 👍

just be a parent, dont listen to anyone else tell you what's wrong and what's right. you've got this.

thank you. now let the hate commence because I really dont care. I want to stand up for these new moms that feel they are being judged! it's sad, really.