Sick ALL the time?


Anyone else feel sick ALL the time? Not necessarily morning sickness, but just overall feel like poo all the time?

I’m 16 weeks/ 4 days, and anything I eat (even just a drink of water sometimes) makes me feel miserable.

I was supposed to have a colonoscopy, endoscopy, and MRI done back in May, but found out right before that we were pregnant and they couldn’t do the tests.

I’ve had my gallbladder removed in July of 2018. I’ve been in the ED twice since being pregnant due to dehydration and lack of nutrition due to losing everything via diarrhea. They’ve done stool samples and it’s “healthy,” and my gastro doctor can’t treat me as an IBS patient due to pregnancy.

There isn’t certain foods that trigger me more than others- like I said a drink of water will put me in misery (cramping and in the bathroom.)

I’ve tried probiotics, they didn’t help.

Anyone have any advice? I’m so tired of feeling this way and have a long time to go before baby is born and they can do the tests and potentially treat as IBS.