My baby hates the bottle

So tomorrow we are having a sip and see for our little one, she is just over a week old and between mine and dads friends and family we have roughly 70 people attending 😓. I have been pumping and freezing milk in between feeds, I’ve also pumped 4 bottles and put them in the fridge for tomorrow as I am uncomfortable whipping the boob out in front of that many people. We are having the party at a hall so there really is no private room to nurse her. The only issue is she absolutely hates the bottle. I’ve tried 3 different brands and she won’t take any of them. I’m not sure if the flow is just to fast for her or nipple shape just not quite right but she will not take them. She won’t even take a pacifier. I’m not sure what to do about the whole feeding thing tomorrow, I’m a little stressed. I will pack the bottles in hopes she will accept them but if she doesn’t I’m going to feel so awkward. I know nursing is totally normal but I am very modest, always have been even when I was a little kid so I’d feel really uncomfortable nursing in front of all those people. Please don’t judge. Anyone have any tips on getting my baby to accept the bottle.