9 Month Helix Piercing Issue!?


For my Mom's Birthday back in November I got us both a helix piercing. Same day. Same guy. Overall a fun time. Now off and on obviously there was some regular tenderness (after bumping into it, ect.) but not anything uncommon. I noticed a couple months ago that Mom's had like a scab on the back (After I thought it was a crusty of some kind and picked it off - my bad) and after that I kept an eye on it to make sure she was cleaning it good because we should be over that stage.

Fast forward to a couple nights ago. I changed it out (not for the first time, she just still hasn't gotten the hang of it) and it was goopy. Like milky colored and wet. I'm used to some ear gunk but it was weird. So I cleaned it good and put in a little ring and figured that would help a little. Tonight it was a little crusty and when I cleaned it off it was the same, underneath was goopy. Now she says it doesn't hurt and that it feels great. And just a comparison my 9 month old helix is just about the same as my 5+ year old one - no pain - no gunk. Any idea what could be up with her ear? Anything would be much appreciated!