BF performing oral


So I need some advice. I just recently lost my virginity and became intimate with my bf for the first time this summer (I’m almost 22 btw). He’s been with other women in the past but for me I literally have no experience until now. That being said, when he goes down on me I don’t really go crazy over it. Sometimes he’ll focus on the clit area and I just don’t feel much. Is he doing something wrong? Or am I just not sensitive enough? What can I do to really enjoy oral sex. It’s always been something I fantasized about when I was a virgin so it bums me out a little that it hasn’t been that great 😣


Something that I left out was that we’ve been intimate dozens of times over the course of this summer, but I think in all this time I’ve only actually had 2 orgasms. He said that the girls he’s been with in the past had up to 6 in one session. Is that possible? I feel lucky just to have one! He sometimes asks how many times I’ve cum and I’m not proud of it, but I lie and just give him a random number 😣