Update 7/21/19


Because I have been slacking on checking Glow lately...I've tried commenting on all of the posts I've missed! Your babies are so precious! I hope everyone had a great Fourth of July! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 🎇🎇🎇🎇

Aria keeps us on our toes! I'm massaging clients again from home and Andy watches her while I work since he is off for the summer from teaching. He works side jobs working on vehicles/farm equipment when I'm not working. I've been pretty slow with work lately, but that's ok. I'm enjoying mommy life! In the Fall, I think we are going to get a sitter a few days a week and I will do massages on those days. I'm dreading having to get a sitter. Ugh! We shall see how that goes. I should probably start looking. Lol 😂😂😂

My brother and his wife had their baby girl on July 11th and I now have a baby niece and Aria has another cousin! They are already the best of friends!

Also, I started my period about 4 days ago. Ugh. I did NOT miss it or the cramps! But, as long as it comes back each month on time again, at least I can start tracking that and ovulation. We will start "trying" Again in November/December/January time frame. But we aren't preventing now. Whatever happens happens. Though, I still need to lose like 30 pounds, but I love food and I haven't had a chance to go to the gym (it isn't kid friendly) and it's been to damn hot to go jogging especially with Aria. 🙄

Aria will be 3 1/2 months old on Tuesday!! Time sure does fly!!

Baby Tenley on the left, baby Aria on the right!

Visiting Tenley on the day she was born! Aria for to meet her too!

Best buds!! 💜💜

Me and my baby girl!

Taken this morning! Aria holding herself up with her forearms!! ❤