Aria's 4 month milestones!


Hello ladies!! I wanted to hop on here and update everyone on how Aria and I are doing and also wanted to see how all of you and your little ones are doing as well.

Hi! I'm Aria and I'm officially 4 months old as of 8116/19!! That's 17 weeks + 3 days or 122 days old! (Will find out exact weight and height this evening at Pediatric appointment).

** I can laugh!

** I can grab on to toys and mommy's hair with a tight grip.

** I'm working on sitting up on my own (just need to work on strengthening torso and balance)

** I can keep my head at a 90 degree angle while in tummy time and turn head side to side to look at things.

** I love chatting up a storm saying things like (Goo goo Gah, Mem, and Dah).

** I love mommy's breast milk especially after she eats ice cream or chocolate! 😆

** Love being cuddled and I still don't mind other people holding me.

** I am noticing animals now and they make me laugh (especially my fur siblings at home)!

** I can see myself and others in the mirror. That makes me smile!

** I was sleeping really good until this past week... (4 month sleep regression phase). Now, I keep mommy up several times a night.

** I'm still drooling like crazy and still chewing on my fist/fingers, but not teething quite yet.

** I can roll over tummy to back as of 8/17/19!

Breastfeeding Awareness Month photoshoot done in the first week of August! We had such a blast and made me more comfortable breastfeeding in public! ❤⬇

Aria's first time at the fair! She loved seeing all of the animals!

I am currently on cycle number 2 in a row of being on my period. So, this cycle I may take ovulation tests to see if I get a positive. At this point in time we are really trying, but I am curious to see how regular my cycles are so far. This past cycle was 33 days, which is a typical range for me. We may "try" Again between November and December. I want to lose 30-35 lbs. First and enjoy Aria some more before becoming pregnant again.

Are any of you trying again yet? 😃