I’m Pregnant!!! 😆


I never thought that I would be able to get pregnant just on my own, but here it is! 😆😭🥰

I stopped taking my birth control pills at the beginning of August and we didn’t really think much of it. A few weeks ago I kept having this weird feeling in my uterus that I can only explain feeling like a baby kicking (I know it obviously wasn’t, but it was so strange). Then this past week my nipples have been getting sore and it is kind of painful when Esther latches on. I knew it had to be my period coming because what are the chances I actually got pregnant this month 😅. I was focusing on my diet and I lost over 10lbs in two weeks doing Keto (I’m 20 under my pre pregnancy weight 🙌🏻). Then we moved this last weekend (super stressful) so when I was super crabby last night to Kenny I was chalking it up to being tired and pms.

It’s 5:30am here and now I’m not sure what to do while I wait for my husband to wake up 😂