SIL drama


My relationship with my SIL (my husband’s brother’s wife) has always been rocky. I begun to dislike her because she keeps throwing jabs at me but in a very passive aggressive way so she doesn’t look bad. Our boys are 10 months apart. She called my baby a baldie because he didn’t have much hair when he was a newborn. She also comments negatively on how me and my husband both work full time while her husband is a stay at home dad. She told my MIL that my husband and I put ourselves needs before our son’s because we took a 3 day trip together a month ago. She called me anorexic because i lost 40lbs pp (i was really petite before falling pregnant) and she said that my pp depression was due to my lack of eating. She said many mean things over time that I can’t even keep up with.

Now for the issue of today.

She’s been telling me for months that she can’t imagine having another baby because her schedule is so crazy. Last Wednesday she sent me a long text complaining about how she can’t find any help and she needs a nanny but can’t afford it. Fast forward to today, my FIL tell me she’s 3 months pregnant. I was just so shocked because she keeps whining about how crazy her life is.

So I congratulate her afterwards and she tells me she wanted to get pregnant before i did so she could have the first granddaughter in the family and didn’t want me to try too (my son is only 6 months old). I really didnt know what to say.

We were friends before we got married to brothers for over 10 years but our relationship has drastically changed to the worse ever since we got married.

Im saddened that she would think that I’m competing with her and I feel like i dont want to be around her anymore.

I know it sounds so petty but i do feel a sense of resentment towards her now and i wish i could completely disassociate myself from that toxic relationship.