L&D with contractions


Yesterday I had an incident where someone hugged me too tight and with all their body weight on me. This person has down syndrome so she clearly didnt know and that's fine, but shes overweight and it actually hurt me. I immediately got a braxton hicks contraction or so I thought. Throughout the day I was having abdomen pain and it shot through my back as well. I used the restroom and had slight pinkish when I wiped so I got up and went to l&d. Everything turned out to be fine. Not dilated, amniotic fluid is fine, baby was moving alot but I kept having these contractions every 2-8 mins. So they kept me overnight to monitor them and keep me on fluids to stop them. Well they sent me home at 7am. Right now I'm feeling contractions again, not so close together tho, and I'm having period like cramping. My back pain is still there. I'm just worried. Has anyone gone through something similar and if so what did they do? Did they keep you? Did you end up going into preterm labor? Did they just send you home again?