Hyperemesis Gravidarum

I have had such bad HG my whole pregnancy 31 weeks and still barely able to keep down food half of the time. I love this little boy so much but I will NEVER have another baby this pregnancy has been such a nightmare. Coming from someone who tried and tried to get pregnant and wanted at least 2 kids and was around so many pregnant women I've never seen anyone be as sick as I have been. Glad to have such a supportive husband he is okay with getting a vasectomy once our little one is born because as this is my first this is his third boy. As much as we would like to try again for a girl we both agree this has been too rough on both of us to do this again. I've been out of work he works 2 jobs and mentally we are both stressed out. Has anyone ever been so sick during pregnancy that you knew you would never try it again? Everyone is like you will see that baby and it will all melt away and you will want another but I'm so serious this has literally been the worst thing that I have ever been thru in and out of the hospital for dehydration and losing so much weight I've been scared for my life. I cant wait for September so I can have my body back and I can just love on this sweet little boy.