Baby garment rack and a happy mom😍


I gave up responsibility this weekend, built a garment rack from scratch, and it turned out so much better than I anticipated! I’m 37 weeks and some days and our nursery is not complete. We’re okay with that. We don’t want to over stress ourselves. There’s a lot to do before baby comes and we’ve done things out of order-if there’s even a proper order. We don’t have a pediatrician yet. We don’t have diapers. I haven’t written a birth plan and probably won’t because the hospital I’m giving birth in has incredible midwives who’ve been completely in line with everything I could want.

Instead of stressing ourselves with all these things that *need* to get done, we decided to take this weekend to do something enjoyable and fun. And so the baby garment rack was born. I designed it and planned measurements myself and my husband and I took off to the lumber yard, spent $60 on supplies, and had this thing built within a few hours. We didn’t expect it to be as sturdy as it is. We expected my measurements to be off or to make one big mistake somewhere that would cause another trip to a hardware store (our carefully planned and unplanned house projects always turn out this way 😆). But it turned out perfect! And while we still have so many more *practical* things to get done, having this one little, cute portion of the nursery completed was exactly what my heart needed this weekend.

So mamas and mamas to be, I just want to encourage you to do things that make you happy. I know how overwhelming the last weeks are. Baby could come at any moment and our deadlines aren’t’s borderline panic inducing. Take a break. Everything will work out. Diapers will be just a grocery store trip away. A crib can wait. You don’t need that rocking chair. The hospital, your midwives, doulas, partners, family, friends, community, and resources will make sure that when baby comes, it will have everything it needs. Most importantly, baby could use a mama with her cup filled to the brim. Fill your cup. Breathe. You’ve got this. You deserve to just relax a bit now.