TMI maybe cervical mucus question

hopefully this is ok I here sorry if not but I've just checked my CM and it's like a creamy coloured stretchy egg white CM that clinging to my finger but stretching a bit when I get it off my finger what does this mean? glow saying my next period in 3 days however I had implant put in a few days ago this is the first time I've had this since having a baby 11 weeks ago until now I've only had creamy wet non stretchy CM even during glows prediction of ovulation but even before my pregnancies I would have this kind of CM just before periods however I was on pill until baby 2 or the implant between baby 2 and 3 so does this mean I "ovulate" just before a period (late ovulation) which if this is the case would explain why my 3 babies conception dates were always before I had a proper period . aka my third I had my period from 31st July to 5th Aug which meant when I went for my first scan I should have been exactly 12 going by lmp but was actually 13+1 weeks which took me before the period so that would mean I ovulated late right? and not long before a period my thinking is if it goes by first date of lmp which for me was 31st july the to the 5th makes it 5/ 6 days on period but I was 8 days ahead according to scan so take the 5/6 days off the 8 days means 2-3 days difference which is how far I am apparently away from my next period now and if I'm getting "fertile" CM and always have done a few days before a period then that means I ovulate late? or could it just be the contraception that's making me "ovulate late" but if it is then how does it explain my 3 pregnancies being further ahead then what I should have been also I did fall pregnant on the pill with my first but the other two I stopped taking contraceptives to conceive

it's sort of like this