
Alright ladies, I wanna hear everyone’s thoughts on this topic. I had 2 back to back traumas happen to me about 2 months back. Both within a week of each other. It all started when me and my mom went to a baby shower for our friend. We all used to live in the same extremely small town so everyone knew everyone. We moved away a few years ago but came back to town for the shower. Well we had just sold our home there about a year back and had trusted a group of three men we thought we knew well to move all our personal possessions out of the house and into a storage locker until we could come and get it. While at the shower we ran into one of the movers who we hired to move our stuff. He was kind enough to be honest with us and told us the leader/ head honcho of the group we hired did not move our stuff. Keep in mind most every aspect of our lives was in that house. He went through all of our possessions and decided himself what we should keep and what was garbage. We immediately dropped everything and went to the storage locker to see what was left of our stuff and come to find out that less than a third of our stuff was in the locker. Everything else had been thrown away in the garbage. All my family memories, childhood possessions, everything was gone. That was hard enough. Come a week later I went down to bodega bay to visit my father. Long story short my purse was stolen while I was attending church with him no less. It was the first time in over a year I had walked into a church and I felt like I was being punished for it. I had possessions in that bag I’d been carrying around with me for over a decade that were irreplaceable. Not to mention the aftermath of having to replace my drivers license, my credit card and everything else in my wallet. It’s safe to say after all of this was over I didn’t deal with it too well and just kind of buried my feelings. Well over these last two weeks or so I have been having nightmares about my stuff being gone, and never being able to get it back. These nightmares keep me awake for hours tossing and turning sick to my stomach. I don’t know what to do to ease this pain. I was thinking of going to a therapy session but that seems to complicated for me because I’m an extreme introvert and like to hide in my shell. Anyone else in here experience nightmares like this and have tips for dealing with them?