Normal? I’m not sure.

Okay never really asked anyone this, but I can not have sex during my period. It is way to painful, the thought of it makes me quince. I always thought that was normal, because hello your bleeding down there, would it not be painful? But after remember when I was younger and having friends always say they loved having sex during their period (at the time I never really thought about it, maybe just there preference). But after doing research it says that could be a sign of endometriosis. So my question is, does everyone or is it normal to feel pain with sex during your period?



Yes this may sound childish, I assure you I am 26 years old, and my husband and I have been trying for 7 years with no luck.



But I never thought of endometriosis because I have a perfect period, always starts exactly on time.

I would say I have a heavy period with lots of half dollar size clots and go through and entire box of super tampons



I do have pretty bad cramps, not every period but this one is extremely bad, along with lower pelvic cramps and lower back cramps.


Painful bowel movements only when I am on my period, though maybe it’s the tampon, idk🤷🏼‍♀️, like a sharp pain that shoots up when I have to have a bowel movement



But once again I thought this was just a normal for some people.