

Hey girls, I’m 16 almost 17 and i have been experiencing severe waves of lower back pain, literally debilitating, for maybe a bit over a year now. I used to get a wave of it maybe once of once every other month but in the past few months its been happening a couple times each month. I get it before/ during period or during ovulation and it feels like someone is repeatedly stabbing me in the lower back for a couple minutes, it brings me to tears sometimes. I tried looking up anything and everything that it could be and the only thing that it might be is endo but im still not sure. I used to have irregular periods for years and got my first period at like 12 and have very heavy, clotted periods. My cramps aren’t too bad but they range from a dull throbbing to the same type of stabbing pain every once in awhile. I also tend to almost feel like i have a cold when im on my period and i also cramp during ovulation and sometimes have back pain during it. I’ve never been to an obgyn and the last time i went to my pediatrician my mom and i tried to communicate to them my issues and they didn’t think it was anything and just checked for anemia bc of my heavy bleeding, which came back negative. Basically, i would just like to know if anyone with endo thinks this might be it because i know that so many women’s symptoms of endo are so much worse than mine so I really am just unsure about it.