Help! Cervix position

I have been ttc for two months now so I'm fairly new at this. Last month I just winged it, but this month I've been actively reading to learn more about my cervix position and when I should ovulate based on the signs I see. My cycle is 41 days and I'm still trying to figure out when exactly is t that I'm ovulating by tracking my cm and checking the position of my cervix. Last week Wednesday I had clear rubbery discharge and I figured I was getting close to ovulation. My husband and I tried that night. Saturday of last week, (three days later) I bought clearblue ovulation tracker and gave the test a try that night, the results said I was at my peak.... So my husband and I tried that night. I'm still not sure when is it that I'm supposed to try, this is my first time ttc (I'm 26 and I have no kids).
Anyhow, I've read that after ovulation your cervix comes low. I checked my cervix 3 days ago and it was low. I checked it again yesterday and it was really high, I couldn't even reach it. Then I checked it again yesterday night and it was a little lower where I could reach and hard. Then I checked it again this morning and it was really high again... I couldn't reach it. This afternoon I tried checking it again and it was lower, and hard. I don't get it. Why does it feel super high sometimes and then lower at other times. Isn't it supposed to go low after ovulation? Unless I were pregnant then it'll go high, but it shouldnt feel firm. I got anxious so I did a pregnancy test and I'm not pregnant... But maybe it's too early to tell, it's only been a week since I ovulated.
So I guess my question here is. Why does my cervix feel high one moment, then lower the next moment and then high again?
Should my cervix be low now?
Any advise you could give me to effectively track my ovulation next month?
I'm ttc and I'm a little stressed because I don't know if I'm doing this right. My cervix always feels hard to me. I just checked it recently and it's really high, I could barely touch it with my middle finger and it's off to the side and hard. CM was milky.
Thanks for any help or advise anyone could give me :)