Abortion Pill Advice/Experience

What are your guy's experience with the abortion pill? I had unprotected sex about a month ago and then again two weeks ago (With my boyfriend both times of course, him and I are long distance). So I'm thinking I'm about 4ish weeks? I read that if you are under 10 weeks you are given an abortion pill.

(Before anyone gets on my ass, yes I am on birth control and have been for the past three years but shit happens)

I am absolutely NOT ready for a kid (I'm 19), so I would really appreciate some insight on abortion and people's experiences.

I know this can be a touchy subject for some, so please just keep scrolling if you don't agree. Be kind as this is hard for me.

Thanks in advance.

Also.. how should I even tell my boyfriend? I'm worried this is going to ruin our relationship/sex life.