Ava bracelet and Fitbit concerns

Stacey • My 🌈 baby Evelyn Arya born 4/5/20

I’m pregnant again! Increased Gonal F + trigger + <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">iui</a> and progesterone did the trick. Had 3, (and a possible 4th) mature follicles. Only 3w4d so I’m nervous but still over the moon. My HCG level today was a whopping 96 and progesterone is 28. All higher than normal for me at this point.

However my Ava bracelet temperature and resting heart rate are declining like I’m about to get my period?! So is my Fitbit heart rate. Maybe my body got used to extra blood pumping since I’ve been pregnant so many times? Or maybe I’m not even far enough along into this pregnancy to have a higher heart rate. I need to stop wearing them me thinks... 😅