My half sister part 12



Chris walked in hesitantly closing the door behind himself. He smiled,

"maybe we should.,"

"no." I cut him off "were not talking there is nothing we can say in the next half an hour that will make our situation less fucked up, so can we just go with how we feel." Chris smiled as I moved next to him he slid his hands up to cup my cheeks. I put a hand on his chest and felt the intense thumping beneath my palm. I stood up on my tiptoes and pressed my lips gently to his. Chris returned my kiss tenderly. I reached between us and began running my fingers down his chest undoing the buttons as I went. When I was done I just slid both my hands under the shirt sliding my hands across his chest loving the warmth radiating from his skin, his torso as chissled as ever. I purred and felt Chris lips curve into a smile I pushed his shirt off as Chris wrapped his hands around me and almost instantly my bra was unclipped and flung to the floor. He began walking me backwards gently towards the bed. The backs of my shin hit the bed and we both tumbled onto the mattress in a confusing tangle of limbs our lips however still locked.

"shoes," I muttered into our kiss, Chris groaned sat up and pulled off his hoes flinging the across the room. Part of me wanted to make him go and pick them up but I decided just this once I'd let it go so he was back in my arms seconds later. Our lips met again and all the bottled up passion driven by months of isolation poured out. Chris moved his kisses down my neck as my hands slid across his back and arms down his chest and stomach loving all the rock hard muscle. I couldn't stop the delighted little purring from inside my chest, I had wanted this for so long I'd been dreaming about these kisses his touches those arms around me. As angry as I had been I'd never stopped wanting him not for a second. I lifted my leg running it along Chris leg for a second before I wrapped it around his waist.

"mmmm" Chris purred sliding a warm palm along my leg and across my bum. My hands reached his belt Chris stopped kissing me just watching intently as I quickly undid it and pushed his trousers down he slid out of them quickly and was back in my arms seconds later. But I was a bit baffled as to why he still has his boxers on. Chris' attention snapped down to my beasts kissing licking and sucking I was moaning but my hands were still roaming as I leaned over trying to push his boxers down.

"what are you doing?"

"trying to get you naked."

"you could just ask" he smiled pushing himself up to stanfjbg and slipping his boxers off, springing his huge erection. I know I'm a virgin and I have no real frame of reference but fuck it was huge.

"much better."

"no your not naked that's not fair." I smiled,

"you've already seen it. It's my turn lay down."

"your kind of bossy." he said settling himself on the pillows.

"yes I am now stay put." I honestly had no idea what I was doing here. Well I had googled it but... Well I just figured I'd make it up. I was just determined to be involved I wanted to make him feel good. It was something between the two of us not just something done to me. I reached over and wrapped a hand around his cock. Chris closed his eyes and groaned as I started to gently move my hand up and down loving the sensations of his dick in my hand. Chris purred so I guessed it was OK and just continued slow and steady for a few minutes. I stopped moving my hand and leaned overlicking the tip of his cock. Chris groaned as I drew the tip into my mouth, I sucked intently swirling my tongue around it. Chris swore loudly as I drew the entire length of him into my mouth and began bobbing my head up and down sucking strongly. Chris grabbed my hair pulling it back from my face. I slid my mouth up and down using my lips and tongue to stroke his cock. I judged by Chris response that this felt good so I just kept going loving the pleasure I was giving him the power I had over him. I pulled my mouth off and I held Chris dick by the base i slid my tongue along the shft licking kissing and nibbling playfully on every inch. Chris still had his eyes closed swearing under his breath. I liked my way to the tip again swirling my tongue around the blunt head before I opened my mouth and suddenly deep throated him. Chris swore loudly as he came hard in my mouth. I was more than a little shocked but kept bobbing my head head up and down sucking and swallowing till he was done.

"sorry" Chris muttered as I lifted my head free and lay down next to him "I didnt really know I was going yo do that because well I didn't know you were going to do that," I smiled,

" glad I had enough skill to make you come at all."

"juliet never doubt your ability to make me come in general and as for the blowjob that was amazing." I smiled and leaned over kissing him. Chris purred his hands sliding down my body he dragged me onto of him. I purred loving just being here and kissing him. Chris slid his hands all over my sweat dampened skin as if He couldn't get enough but eventually his hands slid to my waist and he roughly yanked down my snow white panties. I looked at him and Chris flashed his devastating smile at me flashing his dimples that smile was the reason I had first fallen in love with him. That smile made my pussy start to leak like niagra falls. So I wriggled myself out of the snow white panties. I leaned over and kissed him snuggling my naked body into his.

Thank you for reading hope you guys are still enjoying. Thanks for all the amazing feedback ❤️