Pregnant 2 months into dating ....

Annelise • Mom of 5

Ughhhhh!!!! So it’s a tad complicated. I started seeing my now boyfriend last October and then come February it turned into an exclusive relationship. I wasn’t sure if I was ready for it because I had been separated from my husband for over a year and going through a divorce on top of having a 4&3 year old sons. These past 2 years were hell and hard in my relationship. Since leaving my husband I have been staying at my moms trying to get back on my feet, build my credit back from the debt he caused. So my life is what I feel like is a mess. Well in April shortly before my oldest turned 4 I found out I was pregnant. I was freaking out because I’m going through a divorce and in a new relationship. We kept it a secret for a long time. We didn’t tell anyone until we found out the gender at 15 weeks. Now we are in the process of finding a place together and doing the best we can for my boys, his son and our daughter. Things have been rough trying to figure all this out. But when he sends messages like this to me while he’s at work I just can’t....

He’s so amazing idk what I’d do without him. He’s been so good to me through everything. Even prior to dating and finding out we were gonna have a baby. This man has done so much for me and my boys. Idk how I got so lucky honestly.