Had baby boy at 34 weeks!


As some of y’all may remember I posted a while back saying I got pregnant with the iud, My doctor couldn’t never seen the iud in ultra sound so he wrote it off as it fell out and I must have got pregnant before they put it in.. but something in me knew it was still in there somewhere... well Monday July 15th I had my ten month old outside swing when I started to hurt in my back but just pushed it off as I had been on my feet so much that day. My daughter was getting tired so we went in for a nap I had just got her to sleep when I felt a gush of fluid I couldn’t tell if it was pee or my water so I put my hand between my legs to see how bad it was when I pulled my hand out my hand was full of blood! 😮😮 so I got up ran to the bathroom as I leaking blood all over the floor I call my mom freaking out. I call my aunt she comes and get my daughter as I’m waiting on the ambulance. They take me to the nearest hospital (they don’t have a nicu team) my contractions was 2-3 minutes apart and a minute long, so they send me to a bigger hospital with a nicu I get there my contractions is 1 minute apart, 100% thinned and dilated to a 7 I get the epidural and everything stops I stay in the hospital until Wednesday and they send me home Thursday I start bleeding again so go back to the hospital and had him that day! My bundle of joy came out very healthy he was 34 weeks weighing 5lb 3oz he lost to 4lbs 13 oz and today is a week he has been in the nicu

My iud caused me to have a placenta abruption, it was in bedded into the placenta