Dream interpretation help?

I'm sorry if this isn't in the right spot to post.

I'm just so confused on what this dream means. Yes I googled and I'm getting 100 different results. If there is anyone who has looked into dream interpretations and knows what this could mean I'd greatly appreciate it if you could share your knowledge. This dream hasn't left my mind since I woke up.

So, on to the dream. I was walking outside at a "family members house" (I was there once before for a cousins graduation I think, no idea who's the real owner.) Anyways it's dark out but I'm walking with my mom across the yard close to this medium sized circle pool then BAM! This HUGE bright yellow boa sized snake lunges at me from the semi long grass! I dodge it and grab it's head, I'm using all my might to keep this thing from biting me or my mom. Then the snake whips it body and my hand slips. It bit me. I drop it, start running back to the house then as I'm making my way more of the same type of snakes start trying to attack me too! (In my mind it's like when a bee stings you it alerts the others where to attack.) So I'm running and getting bit by these venomous snakes. (3 bites in total. Right hand, left leg and left side chin.) I FINALLY got to the house. I see my hubby. He starts flipping out asking me what happened and I looked in the mirror and my face was swollen and looked beat to shit. He started telling me we need to go to the hospital and I said no. Keep in mind I feel like I'm dying. I tell him no. They'll only attack everyone else as soon as we walk outside. I looked in the mirror one last time to see my face turning purple and eyes almost swollen shut then I woke up. I wasn't scared, only confused and slightly grossed out. Lol

This is what the snake looked like only massive.