My dad had a stroke on his birthday


My dad turned 36 on July 25th and he lives away from us because my parents are divorced so we called and texted him saying happy birthday yesterday. He didn't respond and at first I figured it was because he was sleeping as it was early in the morning but when he continued to not respond throughout the day I got annoyed and figured he was ignoring us. My mom got worried and went to check on him because they talk everyday in spite of them being divorced, they're still the best of friends. She went to his apartment to find him laying on the ground, he had peed and pooped himself, his dog hadn't been out or fed all day and he was conscious but he couldn't move. She called an ambulance and says he's sad a stroke. At 36 years old. My dad is in shape, he's fit, he works out, eats well and takes great care of himself because he's a police officer and to my knowledge he doesn't even have a family history of strokes. I don't know how this could have happened when, not even two days ago, he was at our house happy and healthy, celebrating his birthday with us and now this.

He can't move his left side well, he can't swallow, he can't name things, his speech and everything is all messed up and he may need to have surgery soon. My mom has been gone with him all night and I'm up now trying to figure out what I'm going to say to my younger siblings when they wake up in the morning. I'm 17, just turned 17 three weeks ago and in no way am I prepared to lose my dad. We may not have the best relationship but I still love him and I'm so scared and confused right now. I don't understand how or why these things happen and to a young healthy guy like my dad. He doesn't deserve this and I'm hoping to god and every other higher power out there that he will pull out okay. Only 36 years old everyone, with a 17, 16, 13, 10, and three 4 year olds at home. I've never been more scared. Please pray for us.