TTC office style now


My wife and I have been TTC for almost 2 years at home and still nothing so I changed my health insurance. Luckily my employer has a plan that includes infertility treatments (excluding <a href="">IVF</a> and sperm) but it has definitely been very different. We are going to do our first in office

<a href="">IUI</a>

in September/October. I’m a little nervous but hopeful. Even though we’ve been doing it at home for so long, I now have to do trigger shots and more meds. Wishing and hoping for the best!!! Good luck to everyone in their journey!

On another note...I wanted to get some help from y’all to decide a screen name. I want to document our new journey and would love your input.

Our names: Naomi and Deni

Our likes: Disney, Dance and Family

Help me come up with a catchy name. Thank you