Birth story! 😅

Breanna • 🧔🏻‍♂️🤱🏻👦🏼👧🏼

I went in Monday to get induced due to Gestational Hypertension, I was 37+2. Unfortunately my body hadn’t started to dilate or thin, so we had to start a square one. They started with the Cytotec and after the first dose I was 1 cm and 50% effaced, since it went so well they decided to try another dose, nothing changed.. next step was the Foley catheter, I was TERRIFIED of that for some reason. They fall out when you hit 4 cm and within 2 hours mine already fell out. I was feeling contractions for sure, but nothing I couldn’t breathe through. I was confident she was gonna come fast since everything seemed to be happening at a quick pace. They start pitocin and I was on it ALLLLLLL night, maxed out and nothing changed, still at a 4 cm, 50%, and a -3. Next they decided to break my water, almost instantly my contracts got 10x worse. I decided to try the epidural even though it didn’t work with my first. TOTALLY WORTH IT! My body finally relaxed enough and I was exhausted! I tried to sleep but I had nurses and doctors coming in every couple of minutes. Baby’s heartbeat kept dropping really low, we tried multiple positions and baby’s heartbeat was still low! My doctor checked me and I was at a 9, 80% and a -2 and my contractions were pretty far apart, about 3 minutes. My doctor asked me to push and as soon as I start baby’s heartbeat is coming up a little bit. So she decided to try and see if I could push her out before getting a c-section. I pushed with everything I had! Within 10 minutes my baby was born with the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck, and then I start to hemorrhage. I really didn’t know what was going on it was all so hectic but luckily they got the bleeding to stop and baby girl was okay. I’m so thankful my body had enough energy to push her out! I’m