36 weeks 5 days and early labor...

Amy • Mom of three beautiful girls

*Update: I finally saw my regular ob/gyn on Monday. I was 100% effaced and 2cm. She sent me to see a specialist to determine how baby girl was doing since I am in early labor. She’s already 6lbs 13oz and everything is well developed, practicing her breathing, and everything looks great! Got the go ahead to get induced if I end up back in the hospital with contractions progressing me. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻


I’m 36 weeks along with my third baby girl. Yesterday around 3pm was out running errands with my other two girls and started having contractions, ended up being 5 mins apart. Tried to relax at home to make them stop, but ended up in labor and delivery around 6pm with them 3-4 mins apart. They pumped fluids in me and monitored me for 2 hours. Only half a cm dilated. Wasn’t progressing enough so they sent me go home to rest. Struggled all night with contractions and couldn’t sleep. Ended up back in labor and delivery after 18 hours of ongoing contractions. Stayed another two hours with an IV for fluids and something for pain and nausea. Finally at 1 cm but still not progressing enough to justify staying at the hospital, so back at home completely miserable. They said it could be any time over the weekend and try to rest. I’m over the pain and so nauseous. They want me to try and make it two more weeks unless my body decides to make enough progress on its own.