Amnesia? Or something else?

I been on this planet for a little over three decades. I have HYPOTHYROIDISM and ADHD/ADD. I have been in a few abusive relationships (both familial and romantic)

But I cannot remember a LARGE part of my life. I've known this since my adolescence. Even then, I had a hard time remembering my past.

It's like with each passing year more and more of myself is forgotten by me. I never understood why. It bothers me a great deal.

I would see a shrink but my insurance got cut off due to technicalities. So im asking here until I could get that fixed.

Does anyone know how one would get past memories back?

What can cause memory loss? At Any age?

Is there any way to prevent memory loss?

Anyone aside from me going through or have gone through the same as me?

What did you do about it?