Pregnancy rant

Okay so my husband and i are living with his cousins until our house is ready. Which hopefully is sooner then later. Anyway just mini rant - they have been trying for 5 years to get pregnant and just started going to doctor and i back her up 100% i have always been there for her. Well (backstory i have had 2 miscarriages and just found out pregnant again) today we were sitting there and they were talking about it, and she goes “well atleast you can get pregnant, so you should be more then happy you don’t feel my pain, you’ve got pregnant just lost two, that’s not the same”

sure no i don’t feel your pain i have the luxury of getting pregnant.. yay.. but i have lost two babies and that right there is a different type of pain.. I’m not saying trying for that many years and nothing doesn’t hurt trust me i could only imagine what she is going through but to tell me i don’t have the right to mourn my two lost babies and be worried about this pregnancy???!? That’s first steps, words, crawling, first day of school, 5th bday, you name it down the drain...

Maybe it just irked my nerves alittle bit, maybe it is a different type of pain but it rubbed me so wrong...

Thanks for coming to my pointless rant