He did something sweet....

You guys. My husband planned a sweet surprise for me today. He went out of his way to plan this to do something for me. He coordinated everything and even planned it about a month and a half out. It was all a surprise RUINED by my mom. I won't get into details because I am still hurt that my mom gave it away because I was looking forward to being surprised. Just typing it makes me upset. My hubby planned this "girls night out" where it was a private painting class, found a venue, paid for everyone's drinks, etc. Like he had to pay for the venue, legit. He told me he was going go drop me off and take me home so i was excited to drink with my friends without worry. Except he stayed with my 1 year old son the ENTIRE time (the venue was a winery in a downtown area-not really a place for 1 year olds). The winery is only about 10 min from our home. My baby kept crying and coming over to me because he was hungry since it was dinner time....since dad didn't pack food i had to nurse many times during my girl's night out. I had to tell my husband our son was hungry. I had to tell him our son needed a diaper change. Not the GNO i thought...REWIND: literally a lot going on this weekend and I have taken too much on my plate that I can handle, I'll admit. Our biggest fight in our marriage is that i need some "me time" i literally beg him that i need it. There is so much history to this story. I feel like I've been so understanding. He doesn't go out, party, or drink. He literally works all day. From about 10am to midnight. I appreciate that so much. Which is why me time only exists for me if the baby takes a nap on his own...So FAST FORWARD when I found out it was a girl's night you know I was excited!! Only to be disappointed by the fact that my child and husband would linger the entire time. I tried suggesting for them to go several times saying dinner was ready for them at home or something for the baby needed to be done...And not to mention i made dinner for them to eat while at my girl's night. My husband didn't pack any toys, a sippy cup, snacks or anything (and neither did i because i was under the impression they were going home). So i leave this event in tears. And NOT happy tears. I'm pissed my husband spent all this money on this event when he is working all day and night to blow it on impressing friends and not making sure his wife had a good time. I'm upset that I literally almost went over the edge stressed out to make him his favorite dinner and pumped and prepped for him to take care of the baby all to be a complete WASTE of my time when I could have been working on stuff I need to have done this weekend. When i brought it up he was very defensive and stated, "I was just trying to do something nice for you". As if i was unappreciative. I am grateful for his hard work putting it together...my expectations were just completely unmet. He also stated my mom asked him to hang out with my dad and that's whyhe kept our 1 yearold son at a winery....which I don't really feel bad. IMO he should have manned up and took my dad back to our house to make sure I had a good night. But he didn't want to do that because he feels awkward around my dad..anyways. i just need advice on how to get over my feelings of complete disappointment. Tbh i have just felt a huge disconnect in my marriage and think about divorce often. The disappointment of this event isn't what makes me feel this way..it is his reaction as if i am completely ungrateful which isnt the case. I just feel like it was a complete waste of time and money because I left more stressed than when i showed up. At this point, I just think that i would get more help from him divorced than i do right now in marriage.