Those with preeclampsia


For those of you women who have/had preeclampsia when would your BP spike? I’m 34 weeks pregnant and the protein in my urine has elevated but my bp never changed so my OB was concerned that preeclampsia would creep up on me any day. On Thursday I had my doctors appointment and was having consistent contractions and cramps when they checked my BP it was 133/88 which is the highest they recorded it. They checked my cervix and I’m dilated to a 1 and 50% thinned. She told me to take it easy this weekend. I went to my in-laws yesterday because my sister in law is visiting and their house was pretty warm but not miserably hot and I swelled up really bad. When we got home I checked my BP and it was 135/95. I went to bed because I thought maybe because their house was warm that’s why it was high. Today we went to eat breakfast and I swelled up again (didn’t do anything all morning) we went to Walmart and my legs and feet were hurting so I checked my BP on their machine and it was 140/91. We went home and I took a cold shower and took a nap. 2 hours later I had to use the restroom and when I sat I decided to check my BP and it was high again. So now it’s been okay when I sit for a while but when I walk to another room it spikes again. Even if I’ve been sitting for awhile. I’ve also had a migraine all day. So can someone tell me their experiences!?