Baby Noah is here!

My August 6th baby turned to a July 27th Baby!

I was feeling with contractions since I woke up in the morning but I have been feeling those for like weeks so I just brushed it off. They came and went and it was already 3 PM and felt them again but decided to take a nap and the pain woke me up! Again those stop but I was pooping a lot and that had me thinking of my body “cleansing” but still thought it was not time. 9PM comes around and boom! I started having contractions 7 minutes apart then 4 in less than an hour. Got to hospital at 10:30(this is 3rd baby but still you always have that thought of “is this real or false labor?”) Well I was at 4cm very thinned out and got my epidural (He tried twice and both times it failed on my left, at that rate I was relieved that at least my right side was numb didn’t want anymore poking) They broke my water at 4AM it was crazy it was a lot of fluid! My Dr was MIA but I got this amazing Dr that made my delivery amazing. Baby was born at 6:03 am no vacuum, no episiotomy only one stitch from a tiny tear. FYI everyone in delivery room were women which was so awesome, never had that before. Hubby was only male and my surprise gender baby boy. Can’t believe its over and I just want to send dust to all August mommas you can do it even if “you have no signs, or Dr tells you 0 dilation” it is sporadic 🥰